The story of House of Memories began in December 2020, when two old friends – reunited on a hiking experience to the frosty Chopta Valley of Uttarakhand. After years of dissatisfaction with where life has brought them, they found their lost laughter, faded memories, and a mutual longing to build something – a place where wanderers, travelers, explorers, dreamers, thinkers, artists, believers, backpackers, and harmonious souls of all kinds could find a Home. A place that is more than just bunks and breakfasts. A HOM that is about life, experiences, community and unforgettable times!
Turning dreams to actions, they started scouting for places. Goa! Came out as the unequivocal choice. A place of adventure and excitement, peace and party. A place where memories that last a lifetime are created. After traveling north and south – scouting more than 20 properties and sleeping in a different bed each night for months, they got back to the property where they had worked as young boys. They found the warmth, serenity, nature, and the collective vibe that they wanted – they felt that they had made it home. However, something was missingβ¦
Always ready to greet you at your arrival, they fully open up to HOMies about their life, sharing laughter and drinks together, and show you the rest of Goa, which is the best of Goa – monsoon trails, natural pools, cliff jumps, cookouts, breweries and loads of other curated experiences. The love and support for our lifestyle project has been nothing short of extraordinary, with over 2900 souls finding HOM their home. As our community continues to grow and evolve, we eagerly await to welcome you in our HOM family.
Animesh Gour
Aditya Tatiya
Jyotishko Paul
Ritvik Shukla
Experience Manager
Mihir Joshi
Offbeat Expert
Vishnu Menon
Technical Director
Divya Prajapati
Events Manager
Nikita Rathi
Creative Consultant